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Gamestop & Nintendo Forcing Customers To Enter Stores

Nintendo announced recently this year that they were having an event give-away for a majority of Pokemon that have not been released or recently available to players before hand. While excited at first, I had not foresaw exactly how Nintendo was planning on distributing these event Pokemon.

I can’t be the only one when I say that I hate walking into a GameStop. Resulting from what I would consider terrible peer pressure in the past has made me see GameStop as a universal giant highschool bully. I cannot say from personal experience whether they have gotten better or not since I still avoid them, but just last year I had to call NY regional manager whom sided with me on an issue about privacy regarding purchasing amiibo with another person as I was asked if we were living together which decided the fate of how many amiibo we could buy. Since then,
I still avoid GameStop like the plague.

Moving forward, I began to witness the way these legendary event Pokemon were being giving out. Some months it was Gamestop, other times Nintendo simply stated to go online in game for a direct download, which brings me to my next point. Since when is it fair to punish gamers for their love and admiration for a game by making them go into GameStop?

Let me put this into a bit more of reality: You like a game where everything is in it. It so happens that some things are missing in your game. The missing parts are inside a store in real life, where you need to go out of your way to complete your game. The point is they are deliberately forcing reality with gameplay, it's not right, leaves a dirty taste in my mouth. In a day and age where you can now download games, or order online - why should someone be forced to hit up a GameStop just so they can complete their Dex? 

There is one particular reason for Nintendo to make this move for distribution and that is: Greed.

Nintendo isn’t a wise business when it comes to carrying out innovation. Ideas sound great on paper but once they attempt to deliver to an audience, well… you know. We’ve seen it before with the 3DS on launch being cut back $70, and the distraught sales on the Wii U and from my opinion once again lack of support. It would be my best guess that Nintendo deliberately wants unsuspecting customers, parents, what have you - get caught in the claws of an employee to unassumingly gain some pre-orders on Sun and Moon. Not necessarily a bad tactic from a business standpoint however, I don’t think it’s fair.

I honestly do not want to have to drive out at any point of day, let alone leave my apartment. I’m not afraid to admit that I really really enjoy personal time alone but when I have to leave my house and go into the cold, I want it to be for one of two things: work, or shopping. Not once did I ever think I would need to get in my car to go to GameStop because Nintendo for example never included Volcanion into any of their games unless otherwise done online. These “event” pokemon are cool but not when they are being abused.

So what do you guys think? Feel free to let me know on Twitter or in the comments below.


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